Sunday, January 29, 2012

Fearless on the Playground

We are very lucky and have a great playground a few blocks from our apartment. Willa used to love to go there and swing for about 5 minutes and then we'd be ready to leave. Now, she has become very independent and runs around from jungle gym to jungle gym, playing with other kids and wanting nothing to do with Bryan and me. She is fearless. She climbs things that she is probably too young to climb, and slides down slides without hesitation. Its so cool to watch, yet a little unnerving...Here is a video clip of the little bean in action. 


  1. hahaha. love it. love that bryan is taking his filming role so seriously ;).

    makes me want to move to LA and be able to go to a playground outside in January!!

  2. It was 80 degrees yesterday in Santa Monica! And yes, Bryan was taking filming pretty seriously :)...We miss you!

  3. omg, I can't believe that she's already climbing the jungle gyms! that is amazing!
