Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Our Summer Family Tour Continues...

 We are back in Cleveland after a wonderful time in Detroit. Daddy met us there for a little over a week between shoots, and it was so nice having him back with us. We are counting the days until he is back for good!

We went to see Uncle Matt and Aunt Kristen's new house and spend time with them & baby Gavin. We had a great night!

After we ate dinner at their house, we walked to a nearby park so Willa could swing. We looked up into the sky and there was a HUGE rainbow...then we noticed it was a double rainbow. I took lots of pictures but the photos are on Bryan's camera phone, and I forgot to upload them.

Sleeping peacefully with Daddy :)

Swinging with Lindsay at Elmwood Park...Her favorite thing to do with one of her favorite people!

Willa loved riding in the car/shopping cart at Heinen's (grocery store).

Exhausted after a long day of crawling and climbing stairs.

Standing like a big girl and wearing the new dress from Grandma Koss. So cute!

Monday, August 22, 2011

9 Months Old!

This blog is a few days late...Willa turned 9 months old on August 17th!

15 Things about Willa at 9 months old
1. She learned to crawl while at Poppy and Kimmie's house. She is crawling around like crazy...sometimes in the standard crawling position and sometimes with one leg pulling like a crab.
2. She can pull herself up to standing position on low items (stairs, etc.).
3. She loves to wave at people.
4. She's been doing this funny smile where she opens her mouth wide and sticks her tongue out while smiling ear to ear. 
5. She dances...especially when her favorite song "The Diaper Dance" comes on...or when Papa starts dancing and then she mimics him. :)
6. She likes biting daddy's nose, and he yells "honk" and she starts laughing.
7. She absolutely loves swinging at the park. She gets a big smile on her face and giggles. 
8. She will take a paper towel and rub the floor like she is cleaning. 
9. She just started pointing her finger at things. 
10. When she is asked "How big is Willa?" She puts her arms up in the air ("SO big").
11. She says "Mama", and "Dadda".
12. Sometimes she will take Eddie's toy from him and wave it in front of his face to get him to play with her.
13. She loves playing with toys but loves things that aren't toys even more (plastic bottles, paper, bowls, etc.)
14. She is so adaptable to different places and people. She has been traveling lots and home very little, so it is good that she is so easy going!
15. She is still a bad sleeper and not even close to sleeping through the night. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Surprise Housewarming Party!

Here are a couple of photos from a surprise housewarming party that was thrown for Poppy and Kimmie last weekend. They were genuinely SHOCKED. Uncle Charlie was also in town, so it was fun for us to all be there and be in on the surprise.

Coming home from dinner in Vermillion...SURPRISE! They walked up to about 40 of their closest friends/family in their new living room.

At first, Willa seemed a little confused by all of the people.

Mommy, Willa and Kimmie before Willa went upstairs to go night night.

Willa and Poppy

It was such a memorable night :)

Friday, August 5, 2011


This blog is way overdue. Willa and I have been with family in Detroit and Cleveland while Daddy's been away shooting...So we've got LOTS of pictures!

We had a wonderful time in Detroit staying with Aunt Shannon and Uncle Jim, then with Grandma Koss and Papa. Willa had so much fun playing with cousins Grant, Oliver and Kate. (Thanks Shannon- I stole this pic from your blog:)

Grandma and Papa with their 4 grandchildren (and an ultrasound picture of their 5th on the way)

Willa and Papa

Willa loved cousin Oliver's little car. I think we're going to have to get her one when we return to LA. We had a fun dinner at Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Josh's celebrating Lindsay's birthday.

Willa and Dimo

We got to meet Uncle Matt and Aunt Kristen's new addition, baby Gavin!

Grumpy and Aunt Julie happened to be in Detroit at the same time as us, so we all went out to a fun dinner in Birmingham.

Willa and Eddie snuggling.

She looks so sweet when she sleeps :)

And when she's awake...

Cleveland- Willa and Kimmie in their matching PJ's. It wasn't planned...we woke up one morningand realized that they were twins.


Willa and Poppy on a boatride

Willa and Kimmie eating dinner on the porch at CYC

We went to Vermillion one day and saw our friends Ann and Ryan King with their kids Clara and Pete.

Clara and Willa were so funny together.

We went to the Cleveland Zoo with my friends Lindsay, Maureen, and Sherri and their kids. It was hot and humid, but so much fun.

This isn't a great photo, but it was a really cool moment. A monkey had gone right up to the glass and was looking at Willa. Willa kept smiling at it and putting her hands up to the glass.

Lindsay and Willa at lunch at Salmon Dave's (one of my favorite restaurants in Rocky River).

Willa and Poppy at Poppy's favorite store--- Costco!

I had gone out with a friend one night and Kimmie and Poppy babysat. When I got home, Willa was sound asleep on Poppy's lap. He had downloaded some lullaby apps on his IPad and swears that they put her right to sleep.

And for the biggest news...Willa is crawling!!! She officially started yesterday. Our life is about to change drastically...