Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Daddy is FINALLY home!!!

We are all back in LA after a long and crazy summer of travels. On Thursday, Nana traveled back from Charleston with Willa, Eddie and me...It was a long day with a layover in Atlanta. Due to mechanical problems on the plane, we had to sit on the runway for an hour before take-off. This doesn't seem like a big deal, but traveling on a full flight, packed in like sardines, with a restless baby who has endless energy...and a dog...before a 4-1/2 hour flight...after traveling on a prior flight...and a two hour layover = NOT FUN. Thank God for Nana as we could not have done it without her. Overall, Willa did great on the flights (despite not sleeping and a having a massive poop about 20 minutes before landing in LA...We thought we were going to get arrested due to the stench!)
On Friday morning, Daddy arrived in LA after taking a series of redeye flights from Easter Island. I was waiting by the window with Willa so she could see Daddy as his cab dropped him off. When she first caught a glimpse of him, a HUGE smile spread across her face. It was so sweet. She could not have been happier to see him. Here is a video clip taken about 5 minutes after he got home:

Here they were about an hour after he got home :)

Below are some photos taken this past week that I didn't get around to posting earlier.

Eddie and his 3 cousins (Pawley, Ellis, and Ray Charles) on their daily golf cart ride.

Lunch at Bishop Gadsden with Opa. We had a great time, and Willa seemed to love all of the attention from everyone in the Dining Room.

This incredible photo was taken by Grumpy after we all left. Double rainbow! Oh how I already miss that view. 

Nana and Willa in their hats in Santa Monica :)

We took a long walk through Santa Monica. Towards the end of the walk, Eddie became slow and tired, and Willa became restless and antsy in her stroller...so we put Eddie in the stroller. Note Daddy carrying Willa in the background. 

On Saturday night, Nana babysat Willa while Mommy and Daddy went out on a date. When we got home, Willa was relaxed as could be on Nana's lap.

This photo is funny because it shows Willa's toys lined up, but she has no interest in them. Instead, she is going for the T.V. remotes...typical.

On Saturday, Willa went to her first birthday party for a little girl named Johanna. She loved playing with the other kids- It was so cute. At one point, a little boy was eating mac and cheese. Willa grabbed a clump off of his tray and tried feed him. She went to stuff it into his mouth, but ended up clumping it against his cheek. It was hilarious.

Willa has been under the weather with a fever for the past couple of days. She has decided that she hates liquid Tylenol, liquid Advil and Tylenol Rapid Melts. She would just spit out whatever we tried to give her. SO, I had no choice but to start giving her Tylenol suppositories...The joys of parenting!
Last night, we took her to the park to swing to cheer her up. It worked :)

Hooded twins

Words can't express how good it is to have Daddy home!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

10 Months Old!

Willa turned 10 months old yesterday, and we had a photo shoot (well, an attempted photo shoot...).

Things about Willa at 10 Months Old
1. She has finally sprouted her first tooth (bottom left).
2. She has become quite the traveller...this past summer she has been to Detroit, Cleveland, Charleston, Chicago, and Joshua Tree.
3. She has an endless amount of energy and curiousity.
4. She has been pointing to everything.
5. She seems truly fearless (not sure if this is a good thing?).
6. She immitates certain noises that people make.
7. She continues to dance, wave at people, make "raspberry" noises, and clap.
8. She has this funny fake laugh that she always does.
9. She has been pulling herself up into standing position on furniture and walls- I think she may be walking soon?
10. She has really started to enjoy having books read to her. She points to everything.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

While Daddy is away...

While daddy is away shooting in places such as...


and Easter Island, Bryan has been missing the Bean uncontrollably (and of course we are missing him SO MUCH!). Thank God for technology- I can send him videos and lots of photos daily. Here are a few that he's gotten in the past couple of days.

Snuggling with the Bean

Big eyes, big cheeks!

Our little angel

How big is Willa? SO big.

Nap time

Bryan was talking about how much he missed her laugh and wanted me to tickle her and video it so he could hear it :)

Loving swinging!

She was extra giddy at bedtime tonight and just kept giggling, clapping, and joyfully screaming. I had to get a clip to send to Daddy.

Now only 7 days, 10 hours and 19 minutes until Daddy gets home! (But who's counting?)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Pillow Shopping

We  went shopping with Poppy and Kimmy for some new bedding at Macy's this past weekend. Willa wanted nothing to do with her stroller and didn't want to be held- She was really restless, so I let her crawl on the ground for a bit...She loved climbing into the pillow compartments.

This photo was taken after Poppy tossed Willa onto a down comforter display. She kept giggling...I'm sure the employees at Macy's wanted to kick us out, but we were having fun.

And in other news...Her first tooth finally popped through! And I had to add this picture because it may be my new favorite photo of her. :)