Our little bean is not so little all of a sudden. Its like she made the transformation from baby to toddler this past month. Time is really starting to move fast! With all of our holiday travels, I accidentally forgot to do a 13 month post (oops...). And she was really sick with a virus of some sort during her 14th month birthday (Jan. 17), so we never got around to taking an official "14 month" photo. These will have to do...here are some photos from this past week.
Stroller ride to the grocery store with Mom.
Eating blueberry bread that Aunt Patti made.
Watching T.V. with Daddy.
Trip to the park.
Things about Willa at 14 Months
1.) She is talking more and more. She can say "Mama, Dada, Hi, Bye, Baby, Tea, Pie, Nana, Poppy, Papa, Kiki" and sometimes she surprises us with repeating random words that we say...Time to stop swearing in front of her ;)...
2.) She walks around all day...even running at times.
3.) She is only taking one nap a day now.
4.) She continues to be smiley, happy, and really funny. She makes us laugh all of the time!
5.) When asked to get something, she understands and actually gets it for us.
6.) She is still doing naughty things that we are trying to correct. (ex) throwing food from her high chair, standing up in the bath tub, occasionally hitting and scratching, and screaming at the top of her lungs. Beside that, she is a perfect angel :)
7.) I think she is looking more and more like her daddy everyday. Good thing he is so handsome!
8.) She has 6 teeth. Her two front teeth have a huge gap that is very cute.
9.) Her hair is slowly but surely coming in. She has two huge curls on the side of her head (Krusty the clown-style).
10.) She is getting more and more affectionate. She gives lots of hugs and kisses lately.
11.) Her favorite things are books, trips to the park, going to the library, being tossed around by daddy, being tickled, and taking sips out of adult cups.
12.) She is starting to get shy at times. At other times, she seems extremely outgoing. Sometimes it takes her 10 minutes to warm up to someone...then she is saying "hi" to them like crazy.
13.) Whenever she sees kids 6 years old and younger, she points to them with a huge grin and says "Baby".
14.) She knows how to point to most body parts when asked to (nose, ears, mouth, chin, cheeks, belly, toes).
I know I will think of a million other neat things she is doing later :). Overall, she is just the coolest little person, and we couldn't love her more.
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