Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Week

We have been in Charleston this past week and had an awesome Thanksgiving!

Standing up without any help! She has been loving this toy doctor kit that is at Nana and Grumpy's house (paging Doctor Willa...).

Daddy, Willa and Kimmie

Walking on the boardwalk to go to the beach.

Willa had SO much fun with cousin Katie and cousin Alexis on Thanksgiving! Katie and Alexis slept over and continued their fun playing the next morning.

Everyone wearing hats :) We raided Nana's hat collection.

Great photo taken Thanksgiving evening.

Daddy, mommy, Willa and Opa.

Willa and Uncle Sandy

Willa and Daddy on the beach.

Willa loved playing with the shells on the beach. She would take a shell and use it to dig in the sand.

Family photo (minus Eddie and plus Ray Charles)

Kimmie, Poppy and Willa

Willa admiring Nana's visor.

Walking back home after a great time at the beach!

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