Wednesday, November 9, 2011

More Halloween Pics & Misc.

Here are a few more Halloween shots...

Willa first getting dressed to go trick-or-treating on Montana Ave... We thought that there was NO way she would keep her wig on as she is in a phase where she pulls hats off of her head when we are on walks. We were surprised though- She loved the wig and kept it on for about an hour. 

Every year, all of the stores and restaurants on Montana Ave. hand out candy so there are a bunch of kids that trick-or-treat there. Last year, we went when I was pregnant with Willa...

Can you believe that she was still in my belly a year ago?! She is so big and full of personality now!

Princess Leia making her rounds.

The trunk of her car was where all of her candy was stored (Mommy and Daddy later fought over who got which candies).

On the way home, we stopped by our old apartment complex to see our old landlords, Jack and Tilly. They are the nicest people and love Willa. Willa was intrigued by their Halloween decorations.

Eddie in Willa's crib. She thought this was the coolest thing.

A couple of days ago, we took the bean and Eddie to a field so Eddie could run around. Daddy kept running Willa in her car over the bumpy grass, and she was loving it!

Willa at the library. We just figured out that we can check out 50 baby books at a time, for a month at a time. Awesome!

She also loved playing with the puzzles. 

Willa napping with Daddy.

Willa has been climbing into Eddie's bed several times a day. I was able to take these two shots...usually by the time I get my camera, she's already crawled out. 

Morning swinging at the park. 

Sleeping beauty. I realize there are many pictures that I post that look just like this, but I can't resist...She looks so peaceful and beautiful when she sleeps.  

1 comment:

  1. I love the costume! It looks like you guys are having a blast!
