Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Recent Photos

Here are some photos from the past month or so...

Ice Cream in Porter Ranch- We've been exploring different areas trying to figure out the best place to move when Willa starts Elementary School. 

The Butterfly Fire-Woman

Wine Country Trip with Preschool Friends (More Pics from this trip to come later)

Willa at her new daycare. We found this great daycare in Encino that Willa has been going to on days when Mommy and Daddy are both working. 

Hot Chocolate at Starbucks. Our power went out for half of a day so we had to leave because our house was really cold. 

Academy Award Party with Nana and Aunt Patti

Homemade orange juice popsicles 

Poor Eddie

A casualty of the Earthquake the other morning. It was the scariest one we've experienced yet. The epicenter was in Encino!

Getting her haircut

Willa at her 3 year wellness check-up (a few months late). She is healthy- In the 50th percentile for both height and weight. 

Flipping me the bird? 

Fun afternoon at Giggles & Hugs. She doesn't seem thrilled to be on Minnie's lap. Check out that smirk :)

Daddy has been gone for several weeks working in NYC. It has been really hard for Willa this time around, and she's been crying at school a lot about it. One of the teacher's & Willa wrote him a note, then Daddy sent one back.

Breakfast in Newport Beach. One of my best friends, Anna, and her family were in Newport Beach for Vacation. Willa and I spent a night at their vacation rental and had so much fun! Anna has a daughter, Ruby who is a couple of months older than Willa. 

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