Friday, September 6, 2013

The Past Couple of Weeks

Sorry its been a while since the last blog...Things have been busy around here with work, real estate classes and life! Here are some photos from the last couple of weeks (not in any order):

Poppy and Kiki came in town and adopted a little dog from the Seal Beach Animal Shelter. He is the sweetest, most gentle and calm dog. I think he will be the perfect pet for them :)

Willa loves lounging on the coffee table while watching her new favorite show, "Max and Ruby". 

I found two baby squirrels while I was out on a run- They had fallen out of their nest and were lying in the street. I immediately called Bryan to come with a box and towel, so we could all take them to the shelter to hopefully get rehabilitated. Willa fell in love with them and named them Cinnamon and Sprinkles. She's been talking about them a lot. 

Girls night out. Mommy, cousin Katelyn, Mallory and Willa at Buca di Beppo. Willa had fun and was being a goofball and keeping everyone laughing. 

We have spent a ton of time in the pool this summer. Almost everyday we'll go in- We are so lucky to have a pool in our backyard.

Willa at a play date at Fiona's house.

This photo was taken before Willa's swim lesson. I put her hair in her first ponytail so that her hair wouldn't get in her face during the lesson...she was so proud of the ponytail and kept saying "I can't wait to show Eric (her swim instructor) my ponytail!".

Playing with balloons at Penelope's birthday party.

A couple of times in the past couple of weeks, Willa has woken up in the middle of the night shrieking "THERE'S A SPIDER IN MY BED!" So she has ended up in our bed a couple of times...Daddy took this picture while we were still sleeping :)

Willa and Poppy had a great time together playing in the pool.

Poppy and Kiki's new dog! They named him Augustus "Gus" after Poppy's famous Great Great Uncle Edward Augustus Inglefield (

Here is a photo from Willa's swim lesson. She is doing a program called the Water Whisperer that supposedly teaches kids to swim in 2 weeks (5 days a week for 20 minutes each day). She has already made HUGE improvements in the water and has swam on her own a few feet at a time. 

This picture has a funny story. Willa starts school on Monday (eeeeeek!) and her teacher, Miss Caitlin came by the house to meet Willa. The teachers at Willa's preschool go to all of the incoming families homes to make the kids more comfortable with starting school. She took a picture of each kid in their home with "Mama Owl" (a stuffed owl that will be in the classroom). The pictures will then be hung in the classroom. Miss Caitlin had to take 7 pictures because Willa wouldn't stop doing her funny face. Bryan and I couldn't stop laughing but finally Willa stopped doing her goofy face for Caitlin to get a normal photo. We asked Miss Caitlin to send us one of the funny ones for our record. :)
When Miss Caitlin was about to leave our house, she said "Has anyone seen the owl?" because obviously she needed to take it with her. We look under the coffee table and Eddie had Mama Owl and was chewing her up. LOL. I'm not sure we made a great first impression!

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