Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Cleveland & Michigan

We have a lot to catch up on! Willa, Eddie and I were in Cleveland spending time with Poppy and Kiki while Daddy was back in LA filming 2 movies. Then Daddy flew out to meet us, and we drove to Michigan to spend time with the Koss Family for a week, then we drove back to Cleveland for a couple of days to hang out, then flew back to LA. So we are finally home after a wonderful few weeks with family. Here are a bunch of pictures from our trip:

Willa with Clara & Pete King. We had a play date at the Bay Village Nature Center.

Fun boat ride on the Rzepka's boat. 

Riding a pinata at Target

Taking a ride with Ryan Miller. Willa and Ryan (son of my good friend, Maureen) had lots of fun play dates. 

On the Beach in Vermillion.

Swinging with Poppy in Vermillion.

 Clifton Beach

The Vernors Queen!

Walking Eddie in the woods behind Poppy and Kiki's house.

Lunch with Mommy at the Pearl of the Orient

Passed out on Kiki

Running around the flag pole at CYC. I remember running around the same flag pole when I was her age!

Dinner on the porch at CYC

Willa had so much fun with Lindsay and Chris. We were so lucky to be there when Lindsay had her beautiful baby, Audrey!

Willa holding a potato bug. She went to the same garden every day in search of potato bugs. She would find one, name it (usually "Pinky" or Boingy" or "Puccio"), and then bring it to a new home.

Holding 2 mating frogs. Yuck. 

It isn't a trip to Cleveland without going to Beardens!

Pine Lake, Michigan. Watching her first fireworks show with Grandma, cousin Kate, and cousin Grant. 

Pine Lake

Willa and her cousins :) This is the best pic I could get. Willa, Grant, Kate, Oliver, and Ben

Willa and cousin Gavin

Willa and Kate planting flowers. They both got HUGE bug bites that later turned into matching swollen eyes. After some trips to the doctor's office, it was confirmed that they would be ok :)

On the raft with Kate and Oliver. 

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