Wednesday, March 27, 2013


We went down to Charleston this past week to go to Opa's funeral. It was a nice celebration of an incredible man's life, and it was good to be with family in SC. 

I took this picture to send Aunt Julie, as the coat Willa was wearing was a hand-me-down from Katie and Alexis. I later noticed that the dogs had photo-bombed the picture. 

These 3 little ladies had an absolute blast together. They were in the bath for about an hour and belly laughed the entire time. 

Willa took a nap on the couch one day and Ray Ray jumped up on her and slept on top of her. She didn't even flinch :)

Katie, Willa and Alexis making goofy faces

Poppy and Willa

Willa and Pawley. This poor dog let Willa do whatever she wanted to him including laying on top of him, riding him, putting hats on him, etc. 

Willa and Grumpy making a house

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