Monday, April 16, 2012

Willa's Fun Week

Willa has been going to a place down the street called "My Gym" for baby gymnastic classes. She absolutely loves it and doesn't want to leave at the end of the hour. It is basically a semi-structured free for all for toddlers in a fun room filled with all sorts of toy. I thought it would be a good way for us to meet some mommies and babies in our new area.

Willa dressed for church on Sunday morning. This adorable dress was a birthday gift from Barbara, and she's finally grown into it. 

We have been taking Willa to church for a couple of months now. The first few weeks were rough when we would drop her off at Sunday school. She would cry and scream and not want us to leave. Now, she LOVES it! She doesn't want to leave when we pick her up to go home. Whenever I say, "Willa, do you want to go to church?" She smiles huge and says, "Babies!"...meaning she knows she will get to play with other babies. 

Another trip to Lake Balboa. She always waves and says "Bye" to the ducks when we leave. 

Willa wearing daddy's bandana. 

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