Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fall Fun

Willa at the pumpkin patch a few blocks from our apartment

Willa at the Brentwood Country Mart petting zoo

Mid-clap in her red car

Willa making funny noises with Daddy

If Willa could chose...this is what we would do ALL day. We are thrilled that she loves being read to.

It cracks us up every time we look over and see that Willa has put on daddy's hat. She has an infatuation with hats right now...especially this one. 

Sorry about the blurry photos :)

Last weekend, we met Nana and Grumpy in Atlanta for Jonny Rennels' wedding. These 2 pictures were taken in a bar/restaurant on Friday night.

Willa and Abby (Jonny's neice) in the back of the church during the ceremony...It was so cute- Willa kept feeding Abby goldfish crackers. She would put one in her mouth...take it out...and then put it in Abby's mouth.

This was right before Willa decided to "sing" (scream at the top of her lungs) as the wedding ceremony began. I immediately grabbed her and ran out of the chapel to prevent further embarrassment.

This video was taken at LAX after our long flight back from Atlanta. We were waiting for Aunt Patti (and Eddie) to pick us up from the airport and needed to entertain the bean for a few minutes as she was very restless. 

1 comment:

  1. Okay, how do you make a kid that happy after a flight from Atlanta to LAX???
