Sunday, September 18, 2011

10 Months Old!

Willa turned 10 months old yesterday, and we had a photo shoot (well, an attempted photo shoot...).

Things about Willa at 10 Months Old
1. She has finally sprouted her first tooth (bottom left).
2. She has become quite the traveller...this past summer she has been to Detroit, Cleveland, Charleston, Chicago, and Joshua Tree.
3. She has an endless amount of energy and curiousity.
4. She has been pointing to everything.
5. She seems truly fearless (not sure if this is a good thing?).
6. She immitates certain noises that people make.
7. She continues to dance, wave at people, make "raspberry" noises, and clap.
8. She has this funny fake laugh that she always does.
9. She has been pulling herself up into standing position on furniture and walls- I think she may be walking soon?
10. She has really started to enjoy having books read to her. She points to everything.


  1. Miss you guys so much! She is such a beautiful little girl!

  2. Eddie looks really scary in that bottom picture!
