Monday, April 18, 2011

5 Months Old

Yesterday, our little lady turned 5 months old. It has gone fast, but it is hard to remember life without her. It is truly incredible to see how much she changes from month to month.

Things about Willa at 5 months old:

1.) She continues to love life. She loves being much, that she doesn't like to sleep. 
2.) She is very social. She loves having people around, loves meeting new people and can charm the socks off of anyone with her sweet personality. 
3.) She is starting to laugh and "talk" more and more. 
4.) Even when she is cranky, she will look at you and smile. It is a forced smile, but it is so cute. 
5.) She LOVES Eddie more and more. Every time he walks by, she reaches for him and smiles. 
6.) She can put her feet in her mouth when she is lying on her back. 
7.) She has become really good at picking up toys and focusing on them/playing with them. 
8.) We read a book every night, but she is more interested in grabbing the book and putting it in her mouth. 
9.) She has become VERY chubby. 
10.) During "tummy time", she is starting to push up onto her arms and move her legs a bit. 
11.) She can roll from her back to her side. 
12.) She just started to sit upright by herself (only for a minute though, then she needs support). 
13.) She doesn't like car rides or stroller rides as much as she used to. She gets restless. 
14.) She loves to be in the Baby Bjorn (facing outward). She smiles when she sees one of us put it on as she knows she is about to be carried around in it. 
15.) She is very curious about everything. She turns her head at any noise and watches everything going on around her. 


  1. Can't wait to meet her in May!!!!!!

  2. The Bean is so cute. I can't take it!

  3. 16. She loves her Uncle Carl! Happy 5 months little gem.
